
more info about rosary #28
Rosary #28  1/12
more info about rosary #18
Rosary #18  2/12
more info about rosary #30
Rosary #30  3/12
more info about rosary #51
Rosary #51  4/12
more info about rosary #12
Rosary #12  5/12
more info about rosary #19
Rosary #19  6/12
more info about rosary #64
Rosary #64  7/12
more info about rosary #81
Rosary #81  8/12
more info about rosary #83
Rosary #83  9/12
more info about rosary #57
Rosary #57  10/12
more info about rosary #45
Rosary #45  11/12
more info about rosary #59
Rosary #59  12/12

Catholic Watch List

This is a collection of videos and movies that I've watched and that I recommend to all Catholics. Some of these are not easy to watch, nonetheless, I think they are all important.

The Rosary as a Spiritual Weapon (2017)

a 90 minute lecture documentary by Fr. Donald Calloway at Franciscan University of Steubenville

Manufacturing the Clerical Predator (2023)

a one-hour documentary by Nate's Mission and Ending Clergy Abuse

The Chosen (2017)

3 seasons of 8 one-hour shows each; 4 more seasons to come; by the Come and See Foundation

The Keepers (2017)

series of 7 one-hour shows