
more info about rosary #47
Rosary #47  1/12
more info about rosary #59
Rosary #59  2/12
more info about rosary #50
Rosary #50  3/12
more info about rosary #1
Rosary #1  4/12
more info about rosary #28
Rosary #28  5/12
more info about rosary #37
Rosary #37  6/12
more info about rosary #34
Rosary #34  7/12
more info about rosary #9
Rosary #9  8/12
more info about rosary #67
Rosary #67  9/12
more info about rosary #41
Rosary #41  10/12
more info about rosary #54
Rosary #54  11/12
more info about rosary #35
Rosary #35  12/12

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❝ The Rosary will focus you. It will calm your heart, mind, and spirit so you can hear the voice of God. ❞

Matthew Kelly

Vulnerari Praesidio Living Rosary Apostolate The Wisconsin Way