
more info about rosary #20
Rosary #20  1/12

Thanks for stopping by my Rosary website. As you'll see while browsing this site, I'm involved in many Rosary-related activities. I love crafting custom-made rosaries and I especially love repairing old/broken rosaries, bringing them back to life. All proceeds from this ministry go to help the scholarship fund at our local Catholic elementary school. You may also be interested in the Catholic liturgical calendar that I maintain; you can add it to your own calendar. Be sure to use the menu button above to see all the content available. If you've got any questions or suggestions, please let me know.


Please help me find the family of B.M. Bukowski!

  Custom Rosaries

  Rosary Repair

  Rosary Prayer Guide

  Scholarship Fund

  Rosary Leader

  Catholic Calendar


❝ The Rosary will focus you. It will calm your heart, mind, and spirit so you can hear the voice of God. It will open your heart so you can recognize Him at work in your life. ❞

Matthew Kelly

Rosary In A Year Relevant Radio Knights of Columbus

Vulnerari Praesidio Living Rosary Apostolate The Wisconsin Way